A little bit about myself... If it is not clear, have a passion for photography! Experiencing the world with all five senses, then trying to capture moments via methods like video recodring, audio recording, or my personal favorite- photography is special. Trying new experiences and living life fully is the goal and this blog is to help capture/share/inspire and more.

I recently transferred to a new University out of state. In order to learn more about the beautiful state I now live in, I try to explore all types of things to do or see near and far. Sometimes, exploring pays off and I find the best coffee shop in town or figure out which areas of town to avoid. All in all, this blog combines passion for photography with tips and my take on experiences going through life.

The real fun facts:
I am an animal and nature lover. My favorite 'beasts' are my goldendoodle and my horse. I've had them both for about 6 years now and cannot imagine life without them! I have been riding competitivly for over a decade and love every second of it! My dog is the goofiest, most loving creature who supplies contast entertainment.